Home > Adding to the Year End List

Adding to the Year End List

December 31st, 2010 at 07:30 pm

I accomplished everything on the list yesterday. Well one could always clean more. And I might.

In additon to yesterday's list, I took down the outside holiday lights and all decorations except tree and lights. Right. No ornaments are left on. Tomorrow it will be down until next year.

Today, since my guests have postponed their trip here because of ice, I will list a few more year end tasks to accomplish.

1)Clean out baskets of paper near my desk.

2)Write thank you notes.

3)Bake chocolate chip bars(because the diet starts in three days).

4)Write and send card to my husband.

5)Mend two items.

6)Okay...more cleaning. Vacuum lower level.

7)After the market closes today...record investment balances! Smile At least they will be up from last year.

Enjoy the day and the beginnings of a new year!

3 Responses to “Adding to the Year End List”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Happy New Year!

  2. LittleGopher Says:

    You got a lot done! I'm convinced, however, that these lists are never really done :-) Happy New Year!!

  3. Homebody Says:

    I took the ornaments off Monday, the tree is still up! Hopefully DH gets it down today.

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