Home > 2010 Taxes: Donations Entered

2010 Taxes: Donations Entered

December 22nd, 2010 at 02:06 am

I made our last non cash donation to Goodwill today. I have already entered all the items donated in the last year to my tax program. The total value, based on thrift shop values, is $1098!!

Wow! It sure didn't seem like that much stuff, but it will offset the amount of taxes we pay by a little bit.

I'm going to add in each tax form as I receive it this year, with hopes that many of them will be available online by the middle of January. My husband's W2 will not be available until January 24th, but it would be nice if that is the last form I need. I would then be able to file by early February!

1 Responses to “2010 Taxes: Donations Entered”

  1. ThriftoRama Says:

    I try to do them as they come in. It can just be frustrating because a few of our forms come late every single year, as in past the legal day when we are supposed to have them in hand.

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