Home > Income Tax Estimates

Income Tax Estimates

December 19th, 2010 at 10:14 pm

Let me just say it: Oops!

Earlier in the year I estimated our federal refund as well as our state return. Um. I did it wrong. And not in our favor.

I thought we would get a refund of $2870 and owe our state about $50. Turns out I forgot to include some of the money I rolled over to a Roth IRA, almost $6,000!

So...we'll still likely get a refund of about $1872, but owe the state about $500. Instead of net $2820, we'll net, $1372. That's a difference of $1448. Darn.

I suppose there is a possiblity that I did this last calculation wrong. It is an estimate and likely to change slightly.

Is anyone else already estimating their tax return? Or is it just me?

1 Responses to “Income Tax Estimates”

  1. ThriftoRama Says:

    Eek! We have some freelance income,and I'm not great at estimating my taxes, so we always have extra withheld from our one regular job check. I've tried estimating, but gave up. Now, I just aim to get a refund, because we've had a few years where we've had to pay, and it was an unexpected expense and kind of a burden.

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