Home > Made a Goodwill Run

Made a Goodwill Run

December 8th, 2010 at 08:19 pm

I made a stop at Goodwill today with one very large box and a smaller box of clothing, shoes, books and household items. Much of it came straight from our closets. I also went through the garage sale pile. Nearly all that went to Goodwill, too.

I'm positive I will make at least one more trip there by the end of the year. We itemize our taxes and make sure to include our non cash donations. If you do also, don't forget to get a receipt!

I noticed the drop off line is much shorter at this time of year. Just wait a few weeks and it will be crazy!!

1 Responses to “Made a Goodwill Run”

  1. Petunia 100 Says:

    I need to do this too! Good job.

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