Home > Ebay Listings

Ebay Listings

December 6th, 2010 at 02:24 am

I just put three items up on ebay. I didn't think I'd actually get around to it, but I did!!

I think getting out the Christmas decorations, got me into an organizing and cleaning mode. I have two large boxes of things for Goodwill and will go through my garage sale boxes to see if there is any more to donate.

I'm positive that I won't spend my free time putting a garage sale together this spring when I will have my DH to spend time with! As a result, I might as well donate now and be done with the stuff.

Is anyone else decluttering?

2 Responses to “Ebay Listings”

  1. Single Guy Says:

    I've been trying with ebay, but most things aren't selling. Oh well, its not like it cost anything to try, and a few things are going out the door.

  2. Ladya70 Says:

    The item I listed on ebay last week didn't sell so I put it on craiglist and added a few things to as well.

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