Home > Decluttering


August 30th, 2010 at 05:11 pm

I'm going room by room and pulling out the clutter. I'm organizing a bit as I go. I have pulled quite a few things. This is all in preparation for a garage sale later in September. Well, it is for my sanity, too!!Why keep outgrown shoes and a swimsuit that wasn't worn since last summer?

This keeps me out of the stores, also! I think my allowance from this past payday is gone. We still have food and gas for the van.

I do see purchases in our future. Leotards for dance and tumbling along with a new pair of jazz shoes. Hmm...maybe someone will be selling an old pair? I also know the fundraisers will start coming home soon. I noticed older daughter will need a jacket soon, too. With all the new we have to buy, it just means more old to get rid of, preferably by selling.

3 Responses to “Decluttering”

  1. momcents Says:

    My most recent purge and declutter has taught me the lesson to only buy what is needed. I had more "good deal" items that my daughters (in particular) didn't care for and wear. Good going on the declutter!

  2. Homebody Says:

    I need to start decluttering again.

  3. My English Castle Says:

    Me too. Wednesday when DD starts school. really.

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