Home > 6 Days to Go

6 Days to Go

August 26th, 2010 at 03:58 pm

until payday! I did make yesterday a no spend day. Yipee!! I have about $60 left to make it through these next six days. I have enough food from what I can tell. I might need to fill in with a few things.

The air conditioning is staying off again today. It is so nice to have nearly zero humidity. I can stand heat, but not humidity.

I'm going to add a disclosure when I write these type of emails, because it never fails that when I say I only have $X left, someone says I need to plan better. Maybe I do. However, what isn't said is that we have zero credit card debt, all bills are current, we only owe money on our van loan and mortgage. We have saved 15% of our gross income for retirement, made college contributions and paid additional principal on our van loan. We have even set money aside for short term needs, such as the next auto insurance premium. When I say I only have $X left before a pay day it refers to our budgeted spending money. If I need something that exceeds that I do have cash available, I am not on my last dime!! To say otherwise is insulting.

1 Responses to “6 Days to Go ”

  1. MonkeyMama Says:

    We are the same way. In addition, I'd say we make the budget a little extra tight, on purpose, to achieve more aggressive savings goals.

    Only difference is we live by our credit cycle. Credit card closed for the month? Ah, we can start charging next month's paycheck. Big Grin (Wouldn't charge more than our budget/cash). Payday is kind of irrelevant since we mostly live by charge cards, I guess.

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