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Prepping for Back To School

August 16th, 2010 at 01:57 pm

It's our final week of summer. It's time to double check the shoes and clothes and fit in a good time here and there.

This week the girls have eye appointments. Read that as: new glasses and a pair of contacts for one. We are in the market for new sneakers and a couple of shirts. It's still summer, so no long sleeves or jeans needed yet. Those few things will add up, but I have cash to spend.

The last few outings aren't yet planned, but they need to be close to free. I have spent a fair amount this summer keeping us entertained. Again with cash!

What do your school preparations look like?

1 Responses to “Prepping for Back To School”

  1. snafu Says:

    Set out a box for GW donations this AM as I work on laundry. Pulled out several boxes of DS fall/winter duds and hung up ready for try-on to wear, donate or trash. This summer has been cool and rainy so chinos worn all summer look worn-out. Sons have worked all summer so we will split costs 50/50 or 60/40 if over-the-top expensive. The older they get the harder this is getting to be.

    We've so much promotional supplies on hand I have a box of binders, fulscap, pens/pencils rulers, tabs, flags and folders for GW.

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