Home > Weekend Spending

Weekend Spending

August 14th, 2010 at 03:35 pm

My parents are coming to town. We are visiting a pool with water slides and a lazy river as well as attending the state fair. Yep...some spending is involved. I already prepaid for the fair tickets, minus parking. I will need to put out about $18 for the pool admission.

It's our last big fling before school starts. It is nice that we can pay in cash...otherwise these would not be on my plan.

Yesterday, I did find a free activity. I did spend $0.75 for parking. Smile We visited a local test garden for a major magazine company. Boy, was it beautiful. It rained while we were there, which actually made for some gorgeous pictures. My daughter couldn't stop snapping photos. I think I may have some new art for my kitchen!!

2 Responses to “Weekend Spending”

  1. PNW Mom Says:

    Have fun!

  2. HouseHopeful Says:

    Enjoy your time with your parents. The pool sounds fun!

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