Home > Zero to the Ebay Challenge...Again!

Zero to the Ebay Challenge...Again!

August 1st, 2010 at 04:06 pm

Obviously, summer is not a good time for me to invest my time in selling on ebay. For two straight months now, I have not earned a single penny towards this goal. I will have to try to make up for it once my girls get back to school, which is late August. This likely means August will be a bust also. However, maybe I'll surprise myself and get something sold.

2010 Ebay Challenge Totals
January: $201.89
February: $46.40
March: $55.50
April: $4.74
May: $265.99
June: $0
July: $0

Monthly average: $82.07

1 Responses to “Zero to the Ebay Challenge...Again!”

  1. north georgia gal Says:

    Summer is hard to do anything extra. You will get back to it soon!

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