Home > Saturday Was A No Spend Day

Saturday Was A No Spend Day

July 18th, 2010 at 01:29 pm

We stayed home yesterday and didn't spend a penny! There was plenty to do around here without spending.

We are still working on the dollhouse and found several more pieces to glue on. My daughter was adding flowers to the window flower boxes. We are working on this in our basement, so it is nice and cool down there on these very warm days. The cats even join us and find a place to nap.

Last week we painted my younger daughter's bedroom orange, so this week we gave my older daughter a room makeover. The makeover was free by simply rearranging the furniture. She was thrilled because we found a way to include a space for her moon chair to be up all the time.

We swam in the neighbors backyard pool.Those blue ones everyone seems to have these days. Free entertainment. Unfortunately, with the warm weather the water is also very, very warm.

There was also playing on the wii and watching a movie later in the evening. I also managed to squeeze in some cleaning.

It was good fun filled no spend day. How spendy or thrifty was your Saturday?

2 Responses to “Saturday Was A No Spend Day”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Ours wasn't quite as thrify as yours...we went to an antique mall and I found a couple of things for my kitchen, but spent less than $15. We went to the grocery and brought home a few necessities, but like you, we found a lot of stuff to do at home like cleaning! Your day sounded like more fun!

  2. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Sounds like you had a really fun day!

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