Home > A Big FAT Zero

A Big FAT Zero

June 28th, 2010 at 04:23 pm

In my quest to earn $100 per month selling our stuff on ebay and craigslist, I completely failed to sell one item during the month of June. I'm not really upset about this. It was a month of transition for our family with the deployment beginning and the school year ending. I just didn't have it in me to try to sell anything.

Maybe in July.

For now, my average has dropped from approximately $114/mo to nearly $96. I'm okay with that.

2010 Ebay Challenge Totals
January: $201.89
February: $46.40
March: $55.50
April: $4.74
May: $265.99
June: $0

Monthly average: $95.75

2 Responses to “A Big FAT Zero”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    Yeah, you've had so much going on, you can't fault yourself.
    There's always tomorrow or next week. I finally sold some stuff I had listed on Craigslist for a couple weeks.
    And I know I'll find some down time this week to photo and list more.

  2. boomeyers Says:

    I have no room to talk. I have a large pile in the corner of our office that should have been listed months ago. Perhaps we need to have our own challenge to see who makes more in July on ebay? Winner gets braggin rights?

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