Home > Communication Breakdown

Communication Breakdown

June 27th, 2010 at 05:02 pm

My husband and I are relying on Skype and email to communicate. So far it is mostly email. Skype was working great in the states and at his first stop in the desert. However, this final location is giving us problems with dropped calls using a broadband connection. It is hard to communicate in 15 seconds!!

He is working on getting a satellite connection which should improve our ability to use Skype. The cost to us $85 per month. It seems a bit steep, but it will be worth it to us. He will also be able to get on the internet in his free time.

The broadband connection is $60 per month and since it is not working he should be able to get that refunded. In the meantime, the man needs more money. I sure hope the spending slows down soon. It is hard to make progress when we keep dipping in to the extra funds.

4 Responses to “Communication Breakdown”

  1. Looking Forward Says:

    So much for the "extra" money in his check Wink

  2. Apprentice Bliss Hunter Says:

    I hope the satellite connection helps ! :-)

  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    For $85 a month, are there satellite-based cellphones that might work better? I don't know of any specific examples, but is this something you guys have looked into?

  4. frugaltexan75 Says:

    I hope the new connection works better!

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