Home > The Extra in Next Week's Paycheck

The Extra in Next Week's Paycheck

June 26th, 2010 at 05:26 pm

I did find out how much DH's paycheck will be next week. We are getting $533.73 more than we usually do. No complaints here.

I now need to figure out what the plan is for that money and the other extra we usually have at the beginning of the month. I believe a big portion will go to finish paying ourselves back for the painting we did on the house. After that, I have about $471.

I'm planning on contributing $430 to the EF goal each month, which I could split in half and make a contribution each pay period. That would be $215 this week, leaving $256 to decide if I hold for a little extra cushion or send to the van loan.

Decisions, decisions. I need to think through what expenses I might have coming up for the first two weeks of July that might require those extra funds.

1 Responses to “The Extra in Next Week's Paycheck”

  1. HouseHopeful Says:

    Nice kind of decision to make Smile

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