Home > Our Military Kids

Our Military Kids

June 25th, 2010 at 12:43 am

If you or someone you know is a deployed service member with children and in the reserves or national guard of any branch, please check out this

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website. This non profit organization provides grants for extracurricular activities up to $500 per child.

I'm in the processing of filling out an application for my girls. They will be taking dance and tumbling in the fall costing us about $800 for the two of them. It would be wonderful to have all or a portion of those fees paid for. They sacrifice quite a bit in order for their father to serve our country.

My understanding is that checks are processed pretty quickly and sent directly to the organization. I will report back about our experience once the funds have been paid.

3 Responses to “Our Military Kids”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    As a budget stretcher, we found the YMCA and YWCA workable when my child was young. Our Y's offered lessons on a sliding scale all the way down to FREE. Another idea is city or county youth centers where lessons can be as cheap as FREE. Our city offers summer fine arts programs FREE, as do a number of Arts organizations. Some of them are very high quality classes.

  2. Homebody Says:

    Checked it out, what a great program. Glad you are able to take advantage.

  3. north georgia gal Says:

    This is a great program! I wish I had to the money to contribute to it! I don't think non-military people realize how much the families of military people have to sacrifice!

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