Home > Mystery Paychecks

Mystery Paychecks

June 21st, 2010 at 04:49 pm

Prior to deployment, I knew to the penny how much our paychecks were going to be. This works great for budgeting!! And I'm the type of person who likes to know these things. deployment has begun, I find that the paychecks are a bit of a mystery. DH was paid on the 15th and I was able to see the amount a week prior, but not the details. The amount was about $850 more than normal. So what exactly is that $850 for? I won't get to see the details until later this week. And it's bugging me!!

We are expecting more funds during the deployment, but I don't yet know the particulars. I expect in another month the paycheck amounts will become stable again. This will help tremendously with my planning. And we know how I love to do that!

Right now, I'll just keep operating under the assumption that the paychecks will be at least what we are used to getting. All the extras will be a bonus!

2 Responses to “Mystery Paychecks”

  1. north georgia gal Says:

    WOW!! Wish I had an extra amount in my paychek! I hope you put it to good use!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Oh yes...technically it all went to the emergency fund. Half towards our goal and the other half to pay ourselves back for money we used to paint our house.

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