Home > Spending Spree

Spending Spree

June 14th, 2010 at 04:31 pm

I went on a little spending spree yesterday. We bought two pairs of capris and a pair of flip flops for my youngest at Old Navy. Spent about $25. She's been wearing last years capris...and the are just too small!

I bought a gift for MIL and a friend. Spend another $25. I also bought a cherry tomato plant as well as three knockout rose bushes that were on clearance for $5 each. Again, another $25 including the Miracle Grow that I threw in at the end. I probably don't need that stuff since mother nature has been providing lots of rain lately. Anything and everything is spouting quickly!! Now things need to dry out a bit so I can get things planted.

Payday is tomorrow. I'm looking forward to getting the finances in order and maybe make a little progress on the goals.

1 Responses to “Spending Spree ”

  1. gamecock43 Says:

    old navy is one of the biggest bang for your buck stores. The clothes last, and they are cheap. But sometimes they dont fit right so you have to be careful not to buy something you never wear because it was cheap but it just hangs weirdly.

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