Home > Swim for Six

Swim for Six

June 11th, 2010 at 05:06 pm

We're going swimming today!! It's going to be near 90 degrees and crazy humid. I'm even getting in half price with a coupon from our Entertainment book. The total admission for the three of us will be $6!! I will probably splurge a bit and get a snack while we are there.

After it cools down a bit later, I HAVE to get out and mow. It's a jungle out there and we are getting rain nearly every day. And thanks to the fertilizer DH put on a couple weeks ago, it is growing crazy fast!!

1 Responses to “Swim for Six”

  1. gamecock43 Says:

    I need to find someone with a pool. I was sure I would find someone by now. I need to make that a priority- we have the beaches but there is no shade anywhere at the beach. Or bathrooms.

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