Home > Texting


June 9th, 2010 at 12:37 pm

My 13 year old daughter has her dad's cell phone for the next year while he is away. In the last two days, over 100 texts have either been sent or received now that school is out for the summer.

Late yesterday, I added an unlimited text to her phone for $10 per month. Unlimited to Verizon customers, plus 500 to others. So far the friends she is texting with are with Verizon. I was hoping to go with the $5 plan, but that was only for 250 texts, which didn't seem like enough.

Joys of a teenager with a phone!

3 Responses to “Texting”

  1. Homebody Says:

    We have Verizon and need to review our plan. Our daughters want us to add texting.

  2. campfrugal Says:

    Once I added texting to my son's phone, the phone bill actually went down, because instead of spending his minutes talking on the phone and going over his minutes, he could just text unlimited. It is the way of the future for our youngins.

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Yep, if she used 100 texts in two days, 250 would not be nearly enough. Smile

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