Home > To Cheer Myself Up

To Cheer Myself Up

June 4th, 2010 at 12:47 am

I went shopping at Walmart today. I bought annual flowers to put in the pots on my porch and deck. Flowers always make me happy when I see them. I will put one near my kitchen window where I can see them while I wash dishes.

I bought 5 six packs, two accent plants and a bag of potting soil. I had a $5 gift card that I received in the mail from Walmart, because they remodeled the store. I spent $11! I figure money well spent since it will be a nice treat all summer long.

I also received a $3 payment from Pinecone Research today as well. Yipee for extra cash!

2 Responses to “To Cheer Myself Up”

  1. Analise Says:

    I always think beautiful flowers soothe the soul. You invested wisely.

  2. Homebody Says:

    I am in Washington State visiting my sister and my grandbaby, daughter and SIL (who is on predeployment leave) and sister and I are going out today to get some flowers! I decided this year, I just need to budget so much a year for annuals. I need that shot of color fast!

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