Our van needed an alignment because it was pulling to one side and three out of four tires were showing wear on the sides. I was notified of this about a month ago at the Honda dealership. At the time, I declined the work.
We decided to take the van to another auto store for the alignment since it would be less expensive than the quote from the dealership. We bought a lifetime alignment for double their normal charge. Out of pocket cost: $151.
I would have spent just a little more at the dealership for the tire rotation and alignment. That would have been a one time charge.
Do you think it was a good idea to get the lifetime alignment service? It is a national chain. We expect to have the van for quite some time.
Good Purchase?
April 19th, 2010 at 04:02 pm
April 19th, 2010 at 05:30 pm 1271694646
As you said it is a national chain so even if you move around you can still get it done. I saw a TV special on a lady that always bought lifetime parts/repairs on her vehicle and it sure worked out great for her.
April 19th, 2010 at 08:15 pm 1271704513
April 19th, 2010 at 10:39 pm 1271713168