Home > How We Started Our Emergency Fund

How We Started Our Emergency Fund

April 12th, 2010 at 01:58 pm

I seem to be on emergency fund kick lately. Yes, we are working on adding to ours! I also want to keep the topic in the forefront for new readers as well since I strongly feel it is an important foundation.

Technically, we didn't have emergency funds before we were married. Our first one began from cash wedding gifts. My parents gave us $1000. Truth be told we didn't really need anything after all the other gifts. So we saved it. Initially, we didn't even call it an emergency fund. Smile

It seems that we didn't have lots of wants starting out. We worked a lot. We paid off failed business debt and student loans. When we would get a cash gift, tax refund or other unexpected money, we saved it. I mean just because someone gives you $25 doesn't mean you have to buy something, right?

We also used to save all of our change. DH had lots of change. We would collect it in a cottage cheese container and take it to the bank for deposit in our savings account. Often the total was $25 to $30. This was nearly every month. Truth be told we use our debit card now and have an online bank, so coin collecting is in our past.

Our emergency fund did receive an inheritence windfall 5 years into our marriage after my father in law died. Yes, we did spend some of the money for a new furnace and carpet. The rest is still sitting in our emergency fund.

Actually, many of the emergency fund details are a bit fuzzy now. We have had one for 14 years and almost take it for granted. It has saved the day a few times: car repairs and deductible for a roof. Since I know several people without one, I know we are better financially for having saved that first $1000 gift.

Oh, by the way, it is our 14th Anniversary today!!

7 Responses to “How We Started Our Emergency Fund”

  1. Purple Flower's Says:

    Great job on maintaining an EF over the years! Also, happy anniversary!

  2. gamecock43 Says:

    congrats! And i agree emergency fund+ peace of mind. I want to beef ours up to but i am saving for so many other things- $200 a month is what BB & I contribute and that will have to do.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    Congratulations on your anniversary. Yes, i agree, an emergency fund is great for your peace of mind.

  4. yisave Says:

    cONGRATULATIONS on your anniversary. What a great way to use your wedding gift from your parents. Most people wouldn't do what you did. Everyone thinks they have to spend everything they get their hands on. You surely had great wisdom when you first married.

    Emergency funds should be the first priority on anyone's list. It's good you're keeping this subject on the front burner.

  5. MonkeyMama Says:

    Happy Anniversary!

    I've honestly never NOT had an emergency fund! OF course, in addition, most people really need to save more for "non-emergencies," too. But I know, I know: One thing at a time.

    I've actually really had a hard time adjusting to smaller cash savings, since having children. I am used to a bigger safety net. I can't imagine a better luxury, in many regards, which is hard to get across to people who never have had an emergency fund of any type. The peace of mind is worth more than any luxurious expenditure, in my opinion. The absolute first thing we are buying when my spouse returns to work, is a bigger emergency fund.

  6. Frugaltexan75 Says:

    Happy Anniversary!

  7. scottish girl Says:

    Happy belated anniversary. You're right about EF, me and hubby need to build ours up.

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