Home > Craigslist and Sales

Craigslist and Sales

March 17th, 2010 at 01:27 pm

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I did a little cleaning up in our basement yesterday. I found two things to give away for free. One to sell. I posted them on craiglist. And the responses? Geez, I've never had so many emails arrive in my inbox at once!!

The free items were a non working printer and garage door opener. One has been picked up, the other is sitting outside now waiting pickup. I have four other people to email if it doesn't go soon. People love free non working things apparently. Smile

The one item I have up for sale should be sold tonight. I had the most responses for this item, which makes me think I may have underpriced it. I will make $15.

I also listed another collection of toys my girls have decided to part with on ebay. I started it last night as a five day listing, so it would still end on Sunday. I like Sunday endings, so I can get the item in the mail on Monday. That is if they pay promptly!

In my basement cleaning, I put all my garage sale items in boxes. I have about 10!! They are on a table and ready to be marked with prices. I need to go get labels before I can start. It's still two months away and I expect to find some more things to sell!

3 Responses to “Craigslist and Sales”

  1. dmontngrey Says:

    Dead printers are often worth a $50 trade-in during special promos at Staples and other office stores. Any ink cartridges in them are work $3 each at Staples. Old dead printers are worth quite a bit of money to folks that know what to do with them! Smile

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    I'm aware of those trade in's...just don't have the use for it. Didn't know about the $3, but will keep that in mind. It's nice to make someone's day though!

  3. elisabeth Says:

    Our school band fundraises throughout the year by collecting ink cartridges. They do quite well with it.

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