Home > Today's Van Maintenence

Today's Van Maintenence

February 16th, 2010 at 05:59 pm

Went to the dealer for an oil change on our Honda Odyssey. They have changed owners and no longer price match competitors. Darn!

Turns out I need a couple filters, tire rotation and alignment. I let them change the filters. They were pretty gross! I don't think I want to comment on how much they were. I only wonder, if I could have picked them up cheaper elsewhere and changed them myself. The van is still new, so lot of the parts, are not available elsewhere. We had it happen with the rear windshield wiper blade. I will look into it, so I'm better prepared next time!

I will definitely get the rotation and tire alignment, but probably next month. I need to get through winter and stop running into pot holes first! This will cost just under $250. Ugh! Apparently well worth it to extend the life of our expensive tires. The van is on its first set, makes me wonder how much the tires are!

2 Responses to “Today's Van Maintenence”

  1. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Vehicles sure can cost money!

  2. patientsaver Says:

    I hate going to the dealer with my honda becus it always ends up being more than i bargained for. Well, usually. As i understand, changing at least the air filter is supposed to be pretty easy, though i imagine each car is different. Truth be told, i probably wouldn't attempt it becus if i couldn't get the new one on, i wouldn't be able to drive it to the dealer.....

    If you had an older vehicle, i would recommend AAA membership. I pay $90 for it and among many other discounts, it provides 10% off all Honda dealer repairs and car servicing. So the discounts I get there more than pay for the cost of the membership itself. But i probably wouldn't think AAA membership necessary if i had a brand new vehicle. My honda is 11 years old now, so it gives me peace of mind should i break down somewhere.

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