Home > Cheap Valentines

Cheap Valentines

February 3rd, 2010 at 09:19 pm

My girls are home early today from school. We pulled out the red and pink construction paper and made heart decorations for the house. The front window is overflowing with hearts now. Smile

My youngest still exchanges with classmates at school. She made her Valentines out of pink and red card stock we already owned. She stenciled on some decor in marker. She is writing each name, as well as her own. We also bought a bag of Jolly Rancher's to attach one candy to each valentine card. I spent about $2!

Did you every think what a 'jolly rancher' must look like when you buy those candies? For some reason I find it a bit humorous!

There will not be any other big spending on Valentine's here. We usually keep it low key with a normal dinner by candle light. The girls think it is fantastic!

Do you do anything special for Valentine's day? Is it frugal or extravagant?

1 Responses to “Cheap Valentines”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    I buy the non perishable candy type Valentines after Valentines day (Fun dips, Nerds) and they use them the next year. Cheap! I have been putting up the same decorations for years, hey, they still work! We usually do pizza for Valentines, either heart shaped homemade or we order out. I give the girls cards and candy.

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