I think we can convert our Roth IRA's in 2010 without any money out of pocket. In fact, I expect we will still get a refund.
Approximate calculations:
$54,940 AGI
($12,100) itemized deductions
($14,600) personal exemptions (4)
$23,240 Taxable Income
$3,398 Tax before credits
($2,000) Child tax credits (2)
($400) Retirement savings credit
$998 Total Tax
$814 Withholding
$800 Making work pay credit
$1,614 Total Payments
Payments - Tax = $616 Refund
AGI includes 2010 taxable income, roth conversions, interest income and 2009 state refund. Most of our income in 2010 will be non taxable because of it will be earned in a combat zone.
We qualify, just barely income wise, for the retirement saver's credit on our 2010 roth contributions, which we will max out this year.
I'm being very conservative with our itemized deductions as well. We may end up donating more or having a little bit more interest to deduct since we have yet to pay off the home equity loan.
If I convert less money to the roth's we could actually qualify for the earned income tax credit. Crazy. Financially, it will be our best year yet. One scenario I ran where we qualified for the EITC, we would receive a refund of $2875.
Can you see anything wrong with the detailed plan above?
Roth Conversion Plan
January 24th, 2010 at 08:46 pm