Home > Convenience Spending

Convenience Spending

January 23rd, 2010 at 06:23 pm

Our garage door opener decided to stop working on Thursday. It would hum like the motor was running or stuck, but the door or the chain wouldn't move. My husband thought it needed a tension adjustment. Nope. Our guess is that a part was stripped out and was no longer connecting to the motor.

It really was not the best time to replace this item. Not monetarily, but just time wise. My husband's time at home is becoming more and more limited. I thought this is not something that has to be replaced. It is a convenience item. I'm strong and healthy enough to lift a garage door up and down. No big deal.

My husband thought otherwise. He spent his Thursday evening buying a new garage door opener and installing it. Only took 2.5 hours. We bought the same brand and type and only replaced the main component and the rail. All other wiring remained intact.

Cost: $148

It is nice to have it working, of course. The decision was so quick, I just hope it was the right one. Maybe the stripped part could have been replaced cheaper. But how easily to find the part? How easy to replace? We won't ever know...because we made a quick decision. Lucky for us, the decision isn't going to break the bank.

Does this happen to you? Do you make quick decisions? Do you wonder if they are more costly?

1 Responses to “Convenience Spending”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    All the time!! Sometimes TIME IS money and worth every penny. Also for peace of mind. This could have stayed broken, but nagged at the back of DH's mind every time he went to open or close the garage. Peace of mind - priceless!

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