I have nearly $1100 set aside that I was trying to decide what to do with. I now know what it is being used for.
I sent my husband to get the oil changed in the car yesterday. Turns out a major repair was needed to the tune of $975! When they lifted the car (2002 Ford Taurus) up the strut on the back left of the vehicle broke stabbing the tire at the same time. Guess what? We HAD to get new struts on the back and a new tire.
We already had a similar thing happen to the front end about a year ago. This is VERY common on these cars. It won't happen again since these are manufactured different than the original. Thank goodness! I'm so thankful we were not driving it at the time.
This car repair will set us back at least another two weeks on the home equity loan. At this point, I might just save up the money I need and then pay it off rather than little bits at a time. With my husband's overseas travel getting closer there are bound to be unplanned expenses. What I mean is my husband hasn't thought ahead to what those are and/or hasn't thought to tell me. Ugh!
My stress level has gone through the roof in the last 24 hours because of this car repair on top of other things going on. Crazy, really. I should be grateful we have the cash right now to pay it off without dipping into the emergency fund. I'm just disappointed with the set back. I will get through this!
Setback Already!
January 3rd, 2010 at 08:29 pm
January 3rd, 2010 at 09:10 pm 1262553009
But maybe the Universe was providing by giving you the 1100 to cover the repairs ! As you say, you didn't have to touch your Emergency Fund.
You are so close to clearing the Home Equity Loan - I'm sure it'll be cleared in no time ! Good Luck !
January 3rd, 2010 at 09:58 pm 1262555891
January 3rd, 2010 at 10:37 pm 1262558258
January 4th, 2010 at 01:12 am 1262567549