Home > Miscellaneous


December 30th, 2009 at 11:30 pm

I did declutter the other day! I have one small box to drop off at Goodwill early tomorrow morning before it gets too busy!! I meant to do it today.

Payday today. I paid all the bills and went grocery shopping. I bought too much food to celebrate the new year. Oops! I guess we'll have to turn some of those snacks into meals! I will have to shop again for a few things on Sunday before the new school and work week start.

I have a chuck of cash sitting in our account. I'm deciding whether to send it to the home equity loan or buy our new computer in the next two weeks. I'm torn!

I hope to post a wrap up of 2009 tomorrow. Stay tuned!

2 Responses to “Miscellaneous”

  1. momcents Says:

    I'm instituting a "don't look" policy with the balance of the checking account. Only what appears on the Excel spreadsheet (I've stockpiled funds to start my weekly $150 payment to the credit cards!)

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    Hmmm...that is a tough choice. But at least they're both good options. Good luck deciding! Smile

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