Home > Many Happy Returns

Many Happy Returns

December 23rd, 2009 at 10:09 pm

I returned a gift today that I bought for my daughter. It's just not HER. While I was returning the item to Target, I asked and received a price adjustment on another gift. The result: $22.26 back in our account!!

I've decided after the holidays to return an outfit I bought back in November for a dressy occassion that was cancelled. That return will net us $34.22 to our account! It just doesn't make sense to have it sit in my closet with tags on it. I have no idea when I would wear it.

2 Responses to “Many Happy Returns”

  1. homebody Says:

    Good for you! That is a real challenge for some of us, taking the time to return things and get our money back. I am getting better at it though.

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Ha, I have four sets of shower curtain rings to return to Target. I won't explain why.

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