Home > A New Computer?

A New Computer?

December 18th, 2009 at 05:29 pm

We will be buying a new computer in the near future. Specifically, a laptop.

We have one now that my husband will take with him during deployment. That will leave me needing a new one. And yes, it is a need.

A computer, with email, and the ability to send and receive videos is essential to our emotional well being during deployment.

Right now, we have a pretty good idea of what we want to buy. The current price is very good at $449, through Monday. I'd rather wait until after the holidays to take on this additional expense. However, I wonder if the price will go up considerably if we wait. Or will the price drop after the holidays. Does anyone know?

We could even wait a couple months. I just want the best price.

7 Responses to “A New Computer?”

  1. CouponAddict Says:

    Have you checked out aafes dot com? They have internal links to HP and a few others for some pretty good price when you consider you are not paying taxes.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    CA, I will look there. Thanks!

  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    Actually, $450 is a very typical price. In fact, if you shop around deep enough, you might even be able to find laptops for $300.

    Text is Take this Thinkpad for example. and Link is
    Take this Thinkpad for example. However, it is a refurbished laptop. Don't know how you feel about that.

    In any case, no, I don't think the price will go up considerably. If anything, the longer you wait, the more likely you can find one for cheaper.

  4. sarah Says:

    Make certain you get enough memory and ram. Playing videos requires quite a bit of ram. I agree a laptop during deployment is a need. I also doubt that prices will go uo. Have you considered ebay. I buy computers there and haven't had any problems just make sure you pay with pay pal

  5. boomeyers Says:

    Please don't buy an HP! I can't believe we had 3 out of 3 die on us!! The DH has a Toshiba, it's okay, but not stellar. The best I have used is my babysitting folks Dell. (Unless your going for a Mac) Good luck! We take chances on reconditioned a lot. Much cheaper!

  6. homebody Says:

    Definitely a need. Good luck getting your money's worth. DH has a Dell that he has had for about 4 years. We have been happy with it.

  7. creditcardfree Says:

    Most likely the laptop will be a Dell, even though I'd love a Mac! Thanks for the tips and ideas.

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