Home > 2009 Ebay Challenge - Final

2009 Ebay Challenge - Final

December 16th, 2009 at 08:20 pm

Yipee!! I made another craigslist sale today in the amount of $25. I sold our other rodent cage and accessories.

I challenged myself this year to make $100 per month on ebay, craigslist or garage sales. I did fall short. Here are the final numbers:

Dec Total = $50.00
Oct Total = $87.96
Sept Total = $110.00
June Total = $55.25
May Total = $197.75
April Total = $22.22
March Total = $83.13
February Total = $66.50
January Total = $4.95

Total for 2009: $677.76
Average per month: $56.48

I think I will continue the challenge in 2010. The truth is we don't have a lot of excess junk. So what should my goal be? An improvement over this year? $60 per month? I could keep it the same and really stretch myself. I might have been able to reach it this year, but there was a lack of motivation at times.

I'll decide my goal at the first of the year, but any thoughts and input are appreciated.

8 Responses to “2009 Ebay Challenge - Final”

  1. DeniseNTexas Says:

    I think its great that you've done that well, even if you didn't make the goal. If you don't have a lot of excess stuff, set a low goal (knowing you don't have enough stuff to sell more) or pick up stuff here and there to sell. I think an improvement over 2009 would be a good goal, though you might do better with a definite number in mind.

  2. HouseHopeful Says:

    I think you did a great job!

  3. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    I'm impressed! Good job this year. One thing that always sells are baby gates. If you ever come across cheap ones or free items pick them up. They sell for $10 to $15 or more.

  4. boomeyers Says:

    If you don't have that much to sell, try scoping out the garage sales when they start up. You can find some great stuff to post on ebay that way! Keep up the good work, every little bit helps!

  5. gamecock43 Says:

    As you become more frugal and aware of money- you are less likely to buy items you will eventually put on ebay. So I would first check my 2010 plan. Do you plan to remodel or refurnish any rooms? Then up your goal a bit because you will be selling alot. Since you have 2 young daughters- they will always be outgrowing toys and clothes for you to sell as well. So think about a manageable goal.

  6. creditcardfree Says:

    Thanks for the input so far. You gals are giving me great things to think about!

  7. disneysteve Says:

    Good job. Even if you didn't meet your goal (I didn't either), you still made nearly $700 that you didn't have before.

    I haven't posted my numbers yet since the year isn't over yet and I include my sales. I have 22 books listed so I could still sell something between now and the end of the month.

    As for your goal for 2010, it depends on what you have to sell. Do you want to buy things to resell? If not, and you feel you've uncluttered all you have to unclutter, your goal may need to be lower than this year. I agree with gamecock43, though. With 2 kids, there should always be a steady supply of things to sell.

  8. snave7 Says:

    That's an awesome challenge! It's cool that you can stick with it. My husband & I have been selling on ebay since 1998...some years we do a lot, others we don't. But I love craigslist for selling the big or heavy stuff, because it's so much easier to deal with picking up v/s shipping.

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