Home > Kids Away = Productive Day

Kids Away = Productive Day

December 11th, 2009 at 10:29 pm

Wow! I love my kids, but I do appreciate when they head back to school. Today was very productive and so far spend free!

Here's what I accomplished:
Christmas Cards
Cleaned three bathrooms
Washed kitchen floor
Worked out at gym
Balanced checkbook (yes, I do this)
Made grocery list

We have a busy weekend that I need to prepare for tonight. Stay warm and enjoy your weekend.

2 Responses to “Kids Away = Productive Day”

  1. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Yep, that's what I'd call a productive day! Smile

  2. DeniseNTexas Says:

    Hey, you got a lot done! Enjoy your weekend.

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