Home > End of the Year: Donations

End of the Year: Donations

December 4th, 2009 at 05:04 pm

This is the last of month of the year to make cash and non-cash donations to the charity of your choice. We tend to make cash donations throughout the year, so I just need to dig through closets. I hope to roundup a few more things to make a final donation to Goodwill and/or the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

I actually list every item I donate throughout the year. I also take pictures for auditing purposes. I attach my donation list to the charities receipt and stash it in a tax folder labeled by year. This year: 2009!

When January rolls around, I use a paper copy of It's Deductible to value the items I have donated. Yep, I add each item up one by one. I have had years where I have donated over $1000 worth of merchandise. That saves us about $250 in taxes! Those items wouldn't have fetched to much more at a garage sale. Maybe less!

If you aren't the type to have a garage sale, sell on ebay or craigslist this is the best way to benefit financially with your castoffs. Start digging through those closets and cupboards now and make a list as you go. It only takes a few minutes a day to find things you don't need. It helps to have a box or bag ready when you begin, too! Good luck.

4 Responses to “End of the Year: Donations”

  1. CouponAddict Says:

    I use a excell spreadsheet that I got online somewhere to track my donations.

    I staple a new spreadsheet to each reciept. I already maxed my non-cash donations for this unless I want to do the special form. So after Christmas I will start going through stuff again to donate in January.

    #1 item on the donation list for next year is my NEW with tags Wedding dress that I bought but did not wear because I eloped!

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I'm doing the same today. How do you list your books? I just record whether they are HB or PB, adult or child because that is how they get priced where I give them.

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Joan: I list books the same as you! Great minds think alike. Smile
    CouponAddict: I usually have to fill the form out nearly every year, but it is very easy! When I use Turbo Tax, is just asks about each individual donation by date and as long as it isn't over a certain dollar amount you can just use the thrift store value. Of course, Turbo Tax fills out the form for me! I wonder if you would get more for the dress on craiglist?

  4. homebody Says:

    Just dropped stuff off today at St. Vincent de Paul and they gave me a receipt I fill in myself. Also the local dog shelter is at Costco the first weekend of every month and we always donate (except today we were there too early) and we get a receipt from them to fill in. I stash all receipts in my tax file. I need to get more organized! We prefer also to donate instead of have garage sales.

    I listed a brand new never used Dell printer on Freecyle today and the young woman coming to get it is going to look through the stuff we got together today to donate to see if she needs anything (she is taking a knife set in a butcher block too!).

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