The last few days went quickly and were enjoyable for the most part. My only Black Friday shopping consisted of picking up some lotion and soaps while we were at Whole Foods. This was around noon! So I was not one of the crack of dawn shoppers.
My husband's family has decided to draw names for gifts. We have two names, each with a $25 limit. Last year we did a white elephant exchange and the two years before the limit was $15 each. It's a bit amusing to me, as several family members are unemployed, so you'd think this would be the year for a white elephant repeat, rather than an increase in the gift limit.
Our house has been decorated for Christmas. We had a couple strands of light that are no longer working. We have decided we don't need as many lights outside anyway! Saves us cash from buying more and some energy for less lights being used!
Yesterday's mail brought us a $50 gift card from Qwest for being loyal customers. I also received the $50 certificate last week from them as well. Nice!
Today, I'm pretty run down with a cold. Darn. I guess I caught something while traveling. Yes, I'm drinking lots of fluids.
Tomorrow...I'm shopping online! The less time in the stores the better.
The Last Few Days
November 29th, 2009 at 05:33 pm
November 29th, 2009 at 07:02 pm 1259521323
November 29th, 2009 at 08:46 pm 1259527565
November 30th, 2009 at 01:51 am 1259545877