Home > 8 Sales? Fingers Crossed

8 Sales? Fingers Crossed

October 19th, 2009 at 02:53 am

I finally listed some items on ebay. Eight items to be exact. Now I have my fingers crossed for 8 sales!

I've been away from ebay for awhile. I think my craigslist success brought back my motivation. That and the upcoming holidays!

While I'm here I will update my Ebay Challenge Sales:

Oct Total = $42 (so far!)
Sept Total = $110.00
June Total = $55.25
May Total = $197.75
April Total = $22.22
March Total = $83.13
February Total = $66.50
January Total = $4.95

3 Responses to “8 Sales? Fingers Crossed”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Good luck on your auctions!

  2. lizajane Says:

    Good luck! I go in seasonal cycles for listing on eBay. It's almost that time of year!

  3. Petunia Says:

    Wow, you're doing great with Craig's list and ebay!

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