Home > SALE x 2

SALE x 2

September 27th, 2009 at 10:58 pm

Umm...I think someone is on my side today. I sold the ugly couch!! For $100. The cool thing is it is going to a college kid who is colorblind...he doesn't care that the colors are outdated! Perfect.

Turns out Wii game systems are on sale this week. I bought ours at Target. They dropped their price by $50! Since this is the only thing the girls want for Christmas, I jumped on it.

So a very spendy weekend in some respects. However, our spending money for the remainder of September sits at $200, which is awesome for us. I think I can use the most of this toward paying back the EF for the braces later this week.

It's all working out...even if the plan has changed a bit along the way!

5 Responses to “SALE x 2”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Congrats on the sofa sale - you 'ahhhemmmm' lucked out on that one! It was kinda colorful!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Oh yes...very colorful. My parents actually bought it and another matching sofa in 1990. The carpet in the living area was the same green as on the sofa!! It looked nice at the time. If I ever miss the fabric...I can visit the other one at my sister's place!!

  3. Petunia Says:

    Wow, that was quick on that sofa!

  4. boomeyers Says:

    That's the beauty of a plan.... it can be changed! Smile

  5. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Awesome on the couch sale!

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