I ended up with a no spend day yesterday with my Mom. She bought my lunch, bought ingredients for dinner and picked up the tab for a couple items at the health food store (items I intended to purchase).
We visited the new sculpture garden. It's so new they just took the fence down yesterday morning! The grand opening is on Sunday. I think the whole family will want to go then. I love free art. Oops, I did spend $0.75 to park my car. I guess I did spend money yesterday!!
Today, I have school activities to help with and a walk scheduled with a friend. I think today will be another no spend day! That will make 4 days if you are counting.
We still have $350 in our checking account. Payday is 8 days away. I'm positive we would have far less if DH hadn't traveled this month. There are still things to buy...groceries, gas, and a few fall clothing items for the girls. It's just nice to be in a good place!!
Looking Good
September 23rd, 2009 at 03:56 pm
September 23rd, 2009 at 03:59 pm 1253717979
September 24th, 2009 at 06:08 am 1253768902