Home > Big Survey Money

Big Survey Money

September 20th, 2009 at 07:46 pm

Finally, I am pleased to report that I redeemed 1000 points with Global Test Marketing for $50!

This company begins payouts at 1000 points. And it seems to take quite awhile to get there. However, I do enjoy a $50 check once in awhile!

The check will take at least four weeks to arrive. Again, one must really have patience to work with this company.

2 Responses to “Big Survey Money”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    That is what I like about pinecone; you do a survey and get your check a few days later.

  2. disneysteve Says:

    Pinecone and Opinion Place are the two fastest I know of. Of course, they also pay the least to do their surveys. I'd rather wait a few weeks for a $50 check then get a $3 payment right away. It is all free money, though, so I'm not complaining.

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