Home > What I Did on My No Spend Day

What I Did on My No Spend Day

September 14th, 2009 at 07:31 pm

Today is a no spend day for me. It helps to have things to do that don't cost an additional outlay of cash! Here's what I have accomplished today:

1)Worked out at the gym
2)Mowed the lawn
3)Packaged and mailed our old cell phones for recycling. Shipping was free. They are so old, I didn't get any cash Frown
4)Picked up 4 books at the library, while I returned one
5)Finished watching a Netflix movie
6)Wrote this blog post

This is all in addition to the tasks I do everyday! It doesn't look like much, but it was all free!

Tomorrow is payday and I have a long list of things we need! I'll be running errands all day. I better rest up!!

1 Responses to “What I Did on My No Spend Day”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    A day of accomplishment. Way to go!

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