Home > My Lucky Mower

My Lucky Mower

August 17th, 2009 at 04:31 pm

Well, it appears to be my lucky day! My mower was returned in working order and the charge was considerably less than I expected.

I expected a $40 charge for pickup and delivery of the mower. I expected around $75 for the labor. This would be a minimum of $115.

Upon it's return, I was given a bill of $46.04!! Yipee!

I did tell the guy it didn't look like I was charged for the delivery. He said, "Well, it looks like you get a freebie today." I wrote the check, but did state I would be willing to pay the delivery charge if they sent me an invoice for it.

The actual charges I paid today were for the labor. Turns out it didn't take the full hour to fix. That is a good thing!

Guess who gets to mow the extra long grass? Me. :0 My husband is busy with annual training for the next two weeks and working very long days.

1 Responses to “My Lucky Mower”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    That's very honest of you! Smile I like the surprise on customer service people's faces when I point out I've been undercharged for something. Often they will let me keep the unintentional discount, but I'm never offended if they add the missing charge back in.

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