Home > Utility Bill Going Down!

Utility Bill Going Down!

August 6th, 2009 at 03:41 pm

I've been notified by our utility company that our monthly budget billing payment is going down! They bill us for electric and gas.

Instead of $127/month, our new amount will be $110. A savings of $17/month, or $204/year!

Lower bills always make me happy.

Unfortunately, the water bill came yesterday and made me sad. The bill covered 40 days rather than the usual 30 because of a coversion to a new computer system. The total $93. Yikes! Last month it was around $60, and in months that we don't water the lawn it is closer to $50.

I wish it would rain!

1 Responses to “Utility Bill Going Down!”

  1. Mrs Says:

    More money to throw at the HEL!

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