Home > Cash is Fun

Cash is Fun

August 3rd, 2009 at 03:22 pm

I'm a debit card queen. I use it for everything. I'm lucky to have a couple coins in my purse. I use my debit card that much!

Well, this week cash has been my method of payment. Why? Remember the piano I sold. The man paid in cash. Three Benjamin Franklins. By the way, I like Ben. He's cool.

We bank online and in order to deposit cash, we have to purchase a money order and mail it in. Instead of doing that, I simply moved $300 from our checking account to savings. This pay period, we have $300 cash and $400 in the checking account. It still equals the $700 we allocate for spending until next payday.

Let me tell you, cash is fun! Really. It's been so long, since I used it with this much frequency. Not that I'm spending more! It's nice not to have to record the transaction in my checkbook! I even like counting and organizing it. Probably not a surprise on the latter.

When I bought groceries, I paid my $130.02 bill with two Ben Franklins and two pennies. I received back $70 in cash. That was just fun! I'm tempted to pull the rest out in I can continue for another week.

I'd encourage you to try it sometime. It's fun!

5 Responses to “Cash is Fun”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    I have never used a debit card in my life. All I use is cash! I think you spend less with cash.

  2. north georgia gal Says:

    I spend way more with cash! I never have any on hand...and when I do I spend a little here and a little there and I end up broke!!!

  3. ralph Says:

    I have been very happy converting from using debit and credit cards to cash. When I have to physically pass out those bucks, I can feel the pain.

  4. dividing the dime Says:

    I love this blog entry, because I love cash, too. I think it's great fun! I use the envelope system--though some weeks it's a rough version of it. It's been so much simpler for me to use cash then use a debit card. I can easily look in my envelopes to see how much I've spent (or rather have left to spend) on groceries or household supplies or entertainment. And I'm like Ima Saver, I think I spend less when I'm handling cash. I also agree that Ben's a cool dude...I like him, too!!

  5. whitestripe Says:

    i only ever use cash in places where they don't accept credit - so a $20 note will last me a week or two usually Smile

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