Home > Normally I Would

Normally I Would

July 31st, 2009 at 03:42 pm

Normally I would take all the extra funds and throw them on the home equity loan. I love doing that.

But, you see, there are clouds on the horizon. It just might rain. In the form of braces and eyeglasses. Technically, I should have been saving for these all along.

But...that's not how we roll around here. Generally, we bring in enough 'extra' each month to handle larger expenses when they come in.

Usually, this is a good time of year to get glasses. Last year, I paid about $50 for my oldest daughter. Our insurance covers the eye exam and then I look for a good deal on frames. She's going to want contacts soon, too. We'll see.

The braces. We have an appointment on Wednesday. I have about $1100 left of insurance coverage on those. I'm sure it will cost more than that, don't you? Most likely, I'll pay those off over time. Orthodontists are nice people...they don't charge interest!! My younger daughter might luck out and not need braces at all. Wouldn't that be nice?

So...for now the nearly $700 in extra funds I have will sit in the checking account. Waiting for instructions.

4 Responses to “Normally I Would”

  1. ambitioussaver Says:

    The $1100 may cover it depending on how extensive the work that needs to be done. My daughter is turning 9 on Sunday and she is getting partial braces for approximately $900 something. Then when she turns 15 she has to go back for full braces. Thankfully the other kids don't look like they'll need braces... but I agree, dental work is definitely not cheap.

    BTW, thats awesome about your HEL! I saw your ticker and remember back when I started blogging it was a few thousand higher... great progress. =)

  2. NJDebbie Says:

    We paid an arm and a leg for our son's braces ($4000 out of pocket), but I also live in New Jersey. Hopefully you can get away with about $3500 or less. Good luck!

  3. BuckhornGal Says:

    We paid $4,500 for upper braces only. Insurance from our employers paid $1,500 each so we had to come up with $1,500.00. Good luck!

  4. north georgia gal Says:

    We paid close to $3500 for braces for my son. The ortho let us make payments interest free(probably built into the price as a hidden fee!).

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