Home > Getting Closer

Getting Closer

July 29th, 2009 at 03:25 pm payday! We have about $9 left in our checking account.

I spent $10.95 at the store yesterday and only bought the items on the list. Yipee!

DH has taken our van to work, instead of his car. The car needs gas, and we're trying to stay within our spending limits. I don't need to go anywhere. Win, win on both sides.

I do kind of laugh, when I make these kinds of posts. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea...we have money. In fact, I still have $300 in cash on the counter from selling the piano!!

The point of not spending these last few days is to keep ourselves within the amount we have allotted for spending on food, gas and misc items. The less we spend on these things, the more money available for investing AND paying off debt.

Here's to one more day of no spending!!

3 Responses to “Getting Closer”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    Hey, I totally relate. Sometimes I have $100 in my sock drawer and thousands in savings and I'll say "We don't have money for that." Yet when NT's $1800 tuition suddenly fell on us, we were able to pay it off that same day. AS & NT know what I mean. I don't want to take money from another place to put toward something unexpected unless it's an emergency.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I think you are doing great! I try never to spend over my allowance every week unless it is an emergency!

  3. whitestripe Says:

    we have a weekly 'budget' but i track everything monthly, so i only work on averages. if our average is under for the month, i'm happy Smile

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