Home > Home Equity Payoff Plans

Home Equity Payoff Plans

July 20th, 2009 at 03:58 pm

At the beginning of 2009, my goal was to pay our home equity loan down by half. The balance at the beginning of the year was $13,999. A couple months into the year, we revised our goal to pay off the entire balance by year end.

Currently, we owe $6,421.26. We have paid more than half of the balance!! Specifically, since January 1st we have paid 54.13% of the balance.

I added a

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page to the sidebar to show our plan for getting this paid off by the end of the year. It is optimistic. It will change, but it shows there is wiggle room to see this plan through.

This home equity loan was taken out when we purchased our current home because we didn't have the full 20% downpayment. We also used some of the cash to pay off a $6,000 car loan. I wanted to avoid PMI. I haven't yet reconciled if that was the right thing to do.

Paying off the loan, will increase our cash flow by $118.01 per month. The payoff won't exactly bring a big change to our budget. When we move, we will have that much more equity to take with us for a future purchase. That is the primary goal. (Of course, as a military family, we may decide to rent instead!)

4 Responses to “Home Equity Payoff Plans”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    Good luck! That will be so exciting, even if it doesn't make a huge difference to your budget!!

  2. gamecock43 Says:

    wow! $13k in one year! Great goal!

  3. Blue Eyes Says:

    That sounds like a great plan!

  4. north georgia gal Says:

    That is awesome!!!

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