Home > Money Karma

Money Karma

July 19th, 2009 at 04:29 pm

We did a little shopping yesterday for school supplies at Target. I had been reimbursed by my neighbor for mailing them their medicine while on vacation, so I had $20 to spend. I also returned a shirt my daughter she didn't like. I had them put the amount on a gift card.

The woman checking me out was new and I had three ways I was paying: gift card, cash and debit card. When she entered in the $20, it ended up showing that I pay about $42 in cash. I quickly volunteered that I didn't think that was right. Sure, I could have left with $48 in merchandise, without paying the extra $22 I owed. But that's not right. She called for help and it was quickly corrected.

As we were leaving, the girls and I found $0.47 cents!! I found the quarter and the girls each found a dime and a penny. Now, that is what I call money karma!

1 Responses to “Money Karma”

  1. lizajane Says:

    That is money karma for sure!

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