Home > No Air Conditioning

No Air Conditioning

July 18th, 2009 at 09:36 pm

We've been able to have our air conditioning off for the last 5 days! Today's high is expected to only be 73 degrees. Wow, that is amazing for July. I expect that we'll be able to have it off tomorrow and some portions of the following days to come.

This sure helps our electric bill this month. We were away for about 10 days in July, but kept the air on at a steady temp for the pets. I'm sure the usuage was less than if we had been here, since I also unplugged all unnecessary items.

4 Responses to “No Air Conditioning”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Our weather is cool today also. I love it!

  2. swanson719 Says:

    Does it hurt an air conditioner to be turned on and off that often? I've always been told it does, so it's better to just turn the temp on the AC up enough that it doesn't kick in.

  3. fern Says:

    I haven't turned mine on yet this year. I was going to announce a twist on the NO Heat contest of last fall, to see how long people could go without AC this summer, but i forgot....

  4. creditcardfree Says:

    swanson, technically I don't know if it hurts it or not. I've never had any technical problems with our air conditioners. I turn it off when it will be off for more than 24 hours, but raise the temp up when I don't want it to run more than necessary.

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