The cupboards were bare, when we returned from vacation. I sent DH to pick up about 8 items on Sunday night to get us through yesterday.
This morning I actually planned our meals through the end of the month! That is highly unusual for me, but it worked. I only bought groceries for 9 days. I will buy the rest on the morning of day 10.
Our garden is beginning to become fruitful. We picked cherry tomatoes and sugar snap peas last night. There are more peas to harvest, too! I have onions growing that could easily be harvested for the greens. In fact, I will harvest a couple tomorrow when I make taco dip! We had lettuce growing, but in the frenzy of vacation planning I never harvested any. I think I'll plant some more this fall. There is a strawberry plant, too, that is taking hold of a corner of the garden. Only one green strawberry, so far! And, we do have two tomato plants that are producing larger tomatoes...of course, they are still green.
This is only our second year of gardening, but it has been pretty fun. The girls like to help pick weeds as well as harvest the crops. It is a simple 8' x 8' plot, so it isn't too overwhelming. We even have a little area in the garden where we mulch our vegetable waste. Even that is fun!
Dinner, Groceries and Gardening
July 14th, 2009 at 06:26 pm
July 14th, 2009 at 06:58 pm 1247594323
This inspires me to plan better for a garden next year! Glad to hear your enjoying it so far!
July 15th, 2009 at 12:08 am 1247612884