Home > Mickey Money Deposit

Mickey Money Deposit

July 1st, 2009 at 02:04 pm

We're days away from our vacation and today is payday!! It's time to make a final deposit to our vacation fund.

I mentioned awhile back that I could use some of our regular spending money towards vacation, too, since we won't be home to spend it. By regular, I'm referring to money we set aside each pay period for groceries, fuel and other variable expenses. Usually this is about $700 twice a month. Out of this $700, I'm allocating $465 to Disney.

The extra money in our paycheck today is $915! So, adding in the $465, brings today's Mickey Money Deposit to:


Final Disney Savings: $3,362.00

Now, in my mind I hear you all saying, "Creditcardfree, now that you have saved all that money, what are you going to do?"

I'm going to Disney World!!!!


Have a great Independence Day!

Please take some time to be grateful, for this wonderful planet we live on and the freedoms we enjoy to pursue our dreams.

2 Responses to “Mickey Money Deposit”

  1. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Have a wonderful time at Disney!

  2. NJDebbie Says:

    That's a nice chunck of change! Enjoy your Disney World Vacation. How does it feel to have save for a vacation? You did a wonderful job!

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